
Lack of sleep has been linked to an increased risk of dementia. If you feel that your sleep is not restful, is interrupted or you are not sleeping long enough, we first encourage you to consult with you doctor. These symptoms could be part of new medical needs that can occur as we age, such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome and carpal tunnel. Once you have assured there are no underlying causes, we must highlight the importance of healthy “sleep hygiene”.

You might be thinking, “wait I brush my teeth every night”, but there is so much more in a bed time routine that can help prepare your brain to rest and regenerate at its ultimate capacity.

Sleep Hygiene

Use your bed only for sleeping. Yes, easier said than done, but watching television or completing work emails can be done in another room. Using your bedroom primarily for sleep and relaxation helps to retrain your brain to recognize this as a place for sleep, allowing for a deeper and healthier sleep.

Blue lights. Though this day in age everything is electronic, there are habits you can begin to prepare for restful sleep. Blue light from some of our favorite items, such as cell phones, televisions, tablets and computers, can be very alerting for our brain. Using these within two hours before bed can disrupt our natural brain sleep cycles, making it less regenerative. Many of these items have dimmed light settings which can help reduce the impact, though it is best to develop a new routine without these close to bed. If you are able to use your electronics before bed just 15 minutes less each week, you can begin to develop newer and healthier brain habits.

Reading Books. Many people find they must wind down their active days and brains before feeling tired enough to rest. A great option that is not an alerting game or cell phone is a great novel. Find that special author that you can look forward to each night.

Sound Machine. All our bodies and brains are different and need different input to rest well. Some of us need sound to sleep, like a fan or a television. Though the fan is likely not impacting your sleep, the television easily could. For this we suggest purchasing a sound machine that can provide your brain with calming noises that will not impact your healthy sleep cycles.

Sleep Objects. We all have those certain things that bring us comfort while we sleep. Our favorite sleep clothes, that one or two pillows that can’t be replaced, or that light blanket that keeps us cool or heavy comforter that keeps us calm and snuggled up warm. Use these routine sleep objects as routinely as possible, and consider taking them (even your noise machine) when you travel. If you have a snoring partner you can also consider ear plugs, or if they like a night light that seems to keep you awake you might add an eye mask to your new sleep objects bed time routine.

We hope this helps you have restful, regenerative and healthful brain sweet dreams!
