
It has been recommended, for the best brain and body health, that aging adults get at least 150 mins of moderate exercise a week. It may sound difficult to reach, though if you put this into a weekly routine it only means 30 minutes a day, for five out of seven days a week. (Don’t forget that a day of rest between a few work outs is also good for you!) Below you may find that you are already meeting some of this quota through activities you are already doing each week. If you need to start small with developing your new healthy 150 minute routine, you can start with a smaller goal, like 15 minutes over 5 days, and begin adding more as your routine becomes consistent. Something now, means more brain and body health later. You can do it!

Moderate Exercise Choices

Consult with your doctor to assure your current health precautions do not exclude any of the choices.

  • Water Aerobics- these can be more comfortable for those with arthritic joint pain.
  • Biking on flat ground, or with a few small hills.
  • Pushing mowing the lawn (see, can already check off your first minutes!)
  • Walking briskly.
  • Shooting a basketball- a personal favorite of ours (maybe even playing HORSE with the grandkids)
  • Vacuuming or sweeping the floor (again check that box with that comfy clean house!)
  • Gardening.
  • Doubles tennis.
  • Ballroom dancing (both fun and social that supports brain health as well)