2024 Cordelia Meyers AJOT Best Article Award

Dr. Elizabeth Rhodus, of UK Sanders-Brown Center on Aging is not only an awarded National Institute on Health clinical researcher, she was also first an Occupational Therapist! April is Occupational Therapy Month & is celebrated nationally by the American Occupational Therapy Association – AOTA. OT brings heart as an art of science and is what is wildly possible at Engaged Aging Lab! On behalf of everyone here at the University of Kentucky, we are truly honored to be awarded the 2024 Cordelia Myers AJOT Best Article Award. #wearewhatswildlypossible #OccupationalTherapyMonth #occupationaltherapist

See more here at https://medicine.uky.edu/news/assistant-professor-earns-award-outstanding-2024-04-19t10-39-31?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0K3cnTNoE9jThCDbtuulhRxcZABiBYI_03oPy5NGxYQnKA4IGSUPXpmjc_aem_AWeywRGezEYxsXF04pq7cIJJ0khWkHwnUzBQOZXZRSDKMr7nzdr6MtdURZNbWj-3Ucd8T3-XlwPuDsbOco3Hle-X

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